
Branded environment

Branded environment

A highly visible method used to support key communications, reinforce messages and demonstrate commitment from the business. Can help to transform workspaces into inspirational, engaging and enlightening areas.

Office Environment: The Benefits of a Creative, Branded Approach

The full and original article was published on Alive


Let’s be clear about what we mean by a ‘branded environment’ We’re not just talking about well-intentioned but haphazard logo slapping or the occasional wall in one of the brand palette colours, or perhaps pushing the boat out and using the rarely seen secondary colour palette, although we accept that this is a small step in the right direction.


Let’s think more about reflecting the culture of the organisation in the spaces and form of the office environment, creating something that echoes the essence and values of the brand and not just applying the ‘corporate branding’. This can be implement in many ways from wall art, vinyl graphics, fixtures and fittings, furniture, quirky meeting spaces, signage, way-finding, digital installations and much more, all created as an immersive brand experience. This would also be mixed with temporary ‘installations’ supporting campaigns and initiatives.


In addition, consider things that aren’t so literal. It’s not just about words and images, think about finishes and the overall office space – Are there enough quiet working areas? Does hot-desking work? What about open plan spaces? And what type of meeting rooms do you have?


Transforming offices and workspaces into inspirational, engaging and enlightening spaces is one of the best rewards a business can offer its employees, asserting values, fostering personal connections and enhancing wellbeing. This in turn, presents a number of ways to drive business success, creating a higher perceived value and providing a vital competitive advantage. – See more at: http://www.alivewithideas.com/blog/office-environment-the-benefits-of-a-creative-branded-approach#sthash.CJliwTgt.dpuf

Credit: The full and original article was published on Alive

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