


Creativity is becoming an increasingly important skill for communicators as organisations strive to find new ideas and smarter ways of working. Organisations should be encouraged to pursue practices and techniques that support a more creative culture.

Credit: Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

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The importance of creative leadership.

Claire Bridges, author of In Your Creative Element

Claire Bridges, author of In Your Creative Element, discusses how business leaders can drive a creative culture, and how people don’t necessarily have to fit the ‘rebellious creative’ stereotype.
Based on the periodic table, In Your Creative Element follows nine groupings of 62 creative elements and covers the principles, values and attitudes associated with creativity.

In Your Creative Element is available from KoganPage


Credit: Alive with ideas

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Credit: Alive with ideas

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Credit: Creative Leadership - Creativity at work (#4): Creative leadership is about empowering your team and allowing them to make the right decisions to see your plan through. In a role where we have to follow the instructions of our leaders, where lives may depend on the actions of an individual, or at least feel like it, is there a place for creative thinking?

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Credit: How to Scale Creativity in the Workplace. Sir Ken Robinson believes that education and training are the keys to scaling creativity across your business. As a business leader you must understand the distinct different between education and training and how to apply them within your teams. Education is the process of organizing learning. Training is teaching people specific skills.

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