


The most common channel of communication within business. It is a formal, slow and long form method of communication

How are internal communicators using email for employee communications?

The full and original article was published Poppulo


Internal communicators consistently rate email as a top go-to communication channel and the most effective. What are communicators doing with email – and how is it working for them?


How is email being used as an employee communications tool?
In research we conducted earlier this year, we found that amongst all the communication channels, email was the most used and top rated channel. It was used by the majority of communicators for a huge range of tasks – from newsletters, driving traffic to intranets and social networks, to increasing event attendance, leadership communications, change management and employee benefit schemes.

However, this same report found only 16% of respondents were satisfied with their ability to measure the effectiveness of their communications. Even basic metrics such as opens and clicks were available to less than 50% of these communicators. And yet, only 22% plan to allocate any additional resources to getting more out of this valued – yet not fully utilized – channel. This new survey will look exclusively at this channel to fully understand the challenges, problems and successes communicators are experiencing with their email employee communications.


Credit: The full and original article was published Poppulo

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